Perlu ke korang masuk blog aku untuk suruh aku follow blog korang sedangkan korang bukan bace pon ape yg aku tulis kat blog aku?.. relationship works both ways beb.. or atleast try to read my entries before even think about asking me to follow yours.. Atleast if u care enough to be like really into whatever i wrote here I might consider to follow whatever u wrote or even drop by your page to comment your entries.. Dah banyak kali sangat benda mcm ni jadi.. gua binnngggiiiittttttttt jerrrrr...
*amacam.. cara x engeris aku?.. aku suruh kawan aku translatekan.. klu aku buat sendiri sure kuar bahasa Zimbabwe.. hehehehehe
tak perlu..cinta takleh dipakse..adush!! berkaitan ker??
x berape nk berkait.. aku pon kompius gk ni.. hehehe..
hahaha.. ko wat buduh jer lah.. kengkadang diaorang ni saje je nak collect follower.. dalam byk2 follower ko tu pon brape kerat jer yg komen entry ko.. yang penting ko hepie sudehh..
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